Paul Racault space
⑲ Paul Racault space
The current Espace Racault, owned by the municipality, has been converted into the premises of a renowned porkbutcher’s shop: la charcuterie Pommé. By the way, let us remind you of Touraine famous specialities.
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To go to stage ⑳ → The street becomes rue de Tours, then route de Tours. On your right, you arrive in front of the old dairy. Note that, from Espace Paul Racault to stage ㉑ (the lime kilns), you will have to cover almost 1 km. |
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These premises now called ‘espace Racault’ – owned by the town – were previously used by the Pommé family for more than seventy years, for home producing delicatessen. Among those famous cooked pork meats are : black pudding, andouillettes, sauteed pork morsels, a typical Touraine specialty made with small pork breast cubes preserved in lard, as well as Touraine potted meat rivaling those from Le Mans. They are the key foods for Touraine culinary heritage with sainte-maure-de-touraine goat cheese
and wines.
© Photo : droits réservés
Bléré is allowed to produce an appellation controllée (with a guarantee of origin).
With AOC* and AOP* quality label as well as Val de Loire wine with IGP* quality label. Several local wine workers have settled in Bléré and sell their own wine. Local shops sell delicacies such
as ‘l’Épine Noire’ an aperitif made with gamay or cot and brandy where black thorn branches are soaked.
Honey is locally produced and also a dessert called nougat de Tours : short crust pastry stuffed with apricot marmalade and candied fruit.
© Photo : Régine Malveau

The nearby high brick chimney remains from the Derouault cooperage. It shows the former influence of wine growing in the Cher valley.
© Photo : Régine Malveau
* IGP : Indication Géographique Protégée
* AOC : Appelation d’Origine Contrôlée
* AOP : Appelation d’Origine Protégée