Charles Bidault square, and St Christopher’s church
① You are on Charles Bidault square, next to the St Christopher’s church
The square was given the name Charles Bidault in march 1919 in the memory of a former mayor of Bléré who used to be a general councilor then a senator.
To go to stage ② → From the square, head towards Cher and take the first street on your left (rue Lucien Royné), then the street on your right (rue des Déportés). Very quickly, on your left, you’ll find a private property called Le Belvédère. |
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Charles Bidault square used to be at the heart of the town with its covered grain market. It was enlarged in the 19th century and although very altered, it stands witness to earlier buildings aligned to the mediaeval houses along the road on the east side and a unique timber-framed house to the west.
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The church was built on the site of the first 5th century edifice, destroyed by the Normans in 838 and then replaced by a new church dedicated to St Christophe.
Built in a variety of styles it resulted from the combination of two churches once separated by a lane. The oldest part of the church is to be found in the north aisle, its west spire dates from the 11th century. The choir stalls built during the 12th century and two chapels were built in the 15th and 16th centuries to the north of the nave. The southern aisle, originally dedicated to St Agnes and part of the second church, was altered in the 12th and 13th centuries. Pierre Bérard, lord of Bléré, had a funerary chapel built for himself and his wife in the lane between the two churches.
In this listed monument pieces of art from 17 to 19 centuries can be admired.
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